Rapper artist, Meek Mill sparked a revolution in legislation reform. Back in November 2017, Meek Mill (Robert Williams) was arrested for popping
wheelies for a music video in Manhattan. This sparked the sensational #FreeMeekMill movement which resulted in his release and ultimately reversed his initial conviction.
Although this was an unfortunate and targeted situation, this breathed life into the influential movement we know today as, “REFORM Alliance”. When released, Meek Mill made it official, he would fight for other people who are not as fortunate or have the same support he did.
“I'm here to speak for all the people who don't have a voice," said Meek Mill. "I got caught up in the system ... and I always wondered what happened to people in situations worse than mine."
REFORM Alliance is a movement aimed to help reconstruct probation and parole by refining the laws and systems to help build better pathways for improvement. These tools were meant for accountability and to help people get involved back into the community and back on their feet. This should be a symbol of second chances. However, it has affected more people as an obstacle, confusing and trapping people in a rotating system leading back to prison.
Come learn about REFORM’s efforts in Iowa, and explore the challenges facing the Hawkeye State’s probation system.
Follow our website as we broadcast the event at https://www.amplifieddsm.com/
For more information on the Reform movement, visit https://reformalliance.com/